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Our Reprographic System Line-Up

The DT RGC180

The DT RGC180 is a multi-role copy stand that allows the digitization of many different types of material sizes. From books (using the glass top platen), film (partnered with DT FSK), loose manuscripts and flat art. The DT RGC180 is a fast and versatile digitizing machine that is a great compliment to any institutions preservation needs.

The DT BC100 Book Scanner

The DT BC100, the fastest and most powerful book capture system available. Using a two camera rail system and state of the art optics and image sensors the DT BC100 can capture page at an astounding rate all while preserving the integrity of the material.

The DT RG3040 Reprographic System

Legacy copy stands were designed to meet the relatively loose precision required for film capture. The DT RG3040 Reprographic System was built from the ground up for the era of digital capture.