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IS&T Wrap Up

The Society for Imaging Science and Technology Archiving conference was held in Los Angeles at The Getty Center during the week of May 18th.

Digital Transitions Division of Cultural Heritage was there in force. In addition to hosting the cocktail hour opening reception we also held a Short Course called Automating Away Drudgery – AppleScript Solutions in a Phase One Capture One Centric Workflow.

In just four hours we covered a lot of ground. Since the group had mixed levels of experience with scripting and programming we started with the basics of AppleScript, and during the course moved all the way to a customizable Batch Crop Manipulation Utility.

Capture One Cultural Heritage already has AutoCrop and Batch Cropping, but some workflows require more nuance than are provided by those tools. For instance an institution may wish to crop asymmetrically, providing more padding below the object than to the top, left, and right. The AutoCrop tool allows for padding (positive or negative), but that padding can only be applied evenly (e.g. 100px on all four sides). The Batch Crop Manipulator Utility can take the results of the AutoCrop tool, and add additional padding on a particular side. With this combination of the AutoCrop and Batch Crop Manipulator Utility the user can crop thousands of images at once, with aysmmetric padding.

Formal Release of Batch Crop Manipulator Utility

We are completing a more formal release of the Batch Crop Manipulation Utility this week, available to anyone (not just those in the Short Course). If you’d like to receive this free utility please email [email protected].