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As the new year brings a refresh to our workflows, we present to you a discussion and demonstration on custom color profiling in basICColor input 6. Creating custom color profiles is an essential element in Cultural Heritage and Commercial Reprographic processes. basICColor input 6 makes this crucial step in digitization much simpler.

basICColor is one of the world’s leading tools that enable users to achieve high-grade color accuracy. With robust features like spot color correction and multi-target or raw profiling, basICColor allows users to achieve color accuracy at exceptional quality. Watch as DT Heritage Product Manager and Technical Specialist, Arnab Chatterjee discusses with basICColor’s Lead Color Technologist, Franz Herbert the latest version of basICColor input and the importance of custom color profiling.

You can buy basICColor input 6 here, contact your sales representative, or get in touch by emailing [email protected].